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Codes cheats for Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Nintendo64

Infinite lifes:
Go to the only open door and pick a star. Then, go to the flowers
in a circle then get the coins and the life. Also, go down to
where you have to open the gate and get that life. And last get
50 coins on any level to also get a life. (repeat above) Max #
of lifes is 100.

To fnish totally the game:
Submitted by: Patricio Bruni

When you get the 120 stars, a cannon will emerge outside of the castle.
Shoot yourself to the roof of the castle adn you'll finsd a yoshi.


Submitted by: aang97

After u get 120 stars go outside the the castle near pond.there is a cannon
jump in to it.shoot yourself on top of the castle (fist layer)