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Codes cheats for Shadowman

Shadowman - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Nintendo64

Submitted by: James Lumb

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* - Version 1.7 - *
* *
* Author: marshmallow *
* E-mail Address: [email protected] *
* Reserve: [email protected] *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Some games are awesome right from the very start. Others, you have to
play for awhile before you see their true beauty. Shadowman falls into
the latter category. This game is pretty average, but with some nice
ideas, for about the first four of five hours. Once you get into the
Fire Temple, watch out, this game starts to get amazing! We're talking
huge landscapes, incredible item usage, clever scenarios, unique
enemies, awesome plot and character development, and best of all,
roughly 50-60 hours of NON-LINEAR GAMEPLAY. You heard me right. This
game is just so non-linear, it isn't even funny. And it's REALLY long...

And that ends my mini-review that I always have at the start of each of
my guides. :p

Table of Contents
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1) Revision History/Updates
2) Important Legal Disclaimers
3) Story
- Backdrop
- Characters
4) Items
5) The Map
6) Walkthrough
- Louisiana Swamplands
- Marrow Gates
- Wasteland
- Asylum: Gateway
- Cathedral of Pain
- Temple of Fire: Thinking
- Temple of Fire: Muscle
- Asylum: Cageways
- Asylum: Playrooms
- Temple of Prophecy
- Assembling L'Eclipser
- Asylum: Lava Ducts
- Temple of Blood
- Asylum: Undercity
- Mordant Street: Newyork
- Downtown Station: London
- Gardelle Prison: Texas
- Engine Block
- Final Boss: Legion
7) F.A.Q
8) Secrets/Cheats
9) Enemies
10) Credits
11) Contact Information

"The creators of this game are Satanic I tell you! Satanic!!"


Version 1.7 (October 18th, 1999):
- Changed "Dark Soul 8" of the Temple of Prophecy
- New addition to the "Secrets / Cheats" section; look at the very
- Two new people to the "Credits" section.
- Added a new site to the list of sites that can have my FAQs (this only
applies to PC games, not consoles)

Version 1.5 (October 14th, 1999):

- Added Accumulator III to the Gardelle Jail section (look at the very
- Added Dark Soul 13 to the Wasteland.
- Added Evil Sponge to the "Credits" section.
- I need information on Dark Soul # 121
- I also need to know how to get the alternative (and supposedly better)

Version 1.4 (October 12th, 1999):
Since you are all my faithful servants, you will diligently read these
updates. If you will do otherwise, why are you here?

- Changed the format of the "Walkthrough" and "Story" sections to make
it much easier to read. I think I will use this in future games...at
least, large ones.
- Updated the "F.A.Q" section with one question.
- Changed the "Contact Information" section. I will also use this in
future FAQs.
- Finally, a request. In my walkthrough, I have all the Dark Souls in
the game...except for one. This single Dark Soul is mysteriously hidden
in the "Deadside: Wasteland" level. If anyone could send the information
in, I would appreciate it, because I've searched the level up and down
for several hours with nothing found.

Version 1.0 (September 29th, 1999):
Sorry for the delayed update, but the Dreamcast has stolen my soul
(sorry for the pun). Ahhh...Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure...that's
all I really need.

Where was I? Oh yeah, Shadowman. Here are the updates:

- Added all Souls to Lava Ducts
- Added all Souls to Blood Temple
- Fixed various mistakes
- Added a person to the credits section
- Cleared out my e-mail box after two hours of reading/replying
- Hey...this game is coming to the Dreamcast soon. I hear it has two
extra levels...who knows? I might need to rent it when it comes out.

Version 0.99 (September 19th, 1999):
Darn it! Everytime I type a vertical line, it shows up in the browser as
a question mark...I think I may have fixed it this time. Let us see...


If the above turns into a row of question marks...someone is going to
die. :p

Version 0.9 (September 17th, 1999):
I've been on a little hiatus, but I'm back now. There are several things
to address in this update...First off, revisions

- Added "Mordant Street: Newyork"
- Added "Subway Station: London"
- Added "Gardelle Jail: Texas"
- Added "Asylum: Engine Block"
- Added "Last Boss: Legion"
- Made several additions to the Undercity (e.g. the Retractor)
- Added the Violator to the Playrooms
- Updated the item descriptions in the Item Section.
- Many new questions to FAQ section

Second, things I want to find out

- If you add up all the Dark Souls from the Teddy Bear Screen, you get
125 instead of 120. Isn't that funny!
- I have gotten, on numerous occasions, e-mail messages telling me how
so and so author has gotten an EXTRA Dark Soul on a particular level.
E.g. 13 out of 12 Dark Souls in the Asylum: Gateways...any truth to back
this up?

Lastly, requests I need/want

- Information on collecting more than 120 souls
- And, finally, I need Dark Souls!! Anything with "????" under it I have
no idea whatsoever how to find it! I need your help here...the levels I
need Dark Souls are: Temple of Blood and Asylum: Lava Ducts. That is

Version 0.07 (September 12th, 1999):
The coolest thing about this update is the fact that I finally got the
map I asked for! It appears at
http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/24363.html, and I also made an
entire section in this FAQ about it...

- New Section About the Map (check Table of Contents above)
- Added new walkthroughs for Playrooms, Temple of Prophecy, Lava Ducts,
Assembling the L'Eclipser, Temple of Blood, and the Undercity.
- Added all Souls for Asylum: Gateways.
- Added all Souls for Fire Temple: Muscle
- New cheats in "Cheats" section.
- New people in "Credits" section.
- Added a question/answer to the FAQ
- Added two more enemies to "Enemy" section
- Changed the name of the "Vampire" to the "Mummygun"
- When I have an item/Dark Soul with "????" below it, I have no idea
where it is....

Version 0.5 (September 10th, 1999):
Wow...I knew Shadowman was popular, but my e-mail box is overflowing! I
haven't answered this much mail since Zelda V came out! :)

OK, OK new stuff. I fixed many mistakes in a few sections (Enemy, Legal,
Deadside: Wasteland area, especially the "Temple of Life", where I
messed up on the numbering of the "Dark Souls"). I have all Dark Souls
for "Louisiana Swamp". I added the following levels to the walkthrough:
Asylum -- Gateway, Cathedral of Pain, Fire Temple, and Cageways. Next
time, I will have many of the missing Dark Souls filled in, and at the
very least, up to the TEMPLE OF PROPHECY.

Version 0.3 (September 8th, 1999):
First release! I'm having a bit of trouble managing my playing time of
Shadowman with school -- plus writing walkthroughs (yes, plural, I'm
working on another one as we speak). This game is pretty complicated,
and I feel it will be a good challenge for me in terms of making this
FAQ concise. We can only hope...

I also have a request! You know that little map that comes with the
game? If someone could take a digital photograph and send it to me, I
could post in on www.gamefaqs.com and give credit to you. I would prefer
.GIF or .JPG...Thanks.


This FAQ can only appear on the following sites

- GameFaqs
- Cheat Code Central
- GameSages
- The Spoiler Centre -- DOS/PC software only

Why? Because those are the only four sites that can keep my FAQs
updated. GameFAQs gets away with murder, though, on account of the fact
I send my FAQs there myself. Gamesages is GameFAQs sister site, so they
share information. Cheat Code Central is great, because they always seem
to have the most updated version without me having to tell them. Great
job, guys and gals.

I just hate it when people have outdated versions of my FAQs, because I
get loads (e.g. 100+) of e-mails telling me to "update my FAQ" even
though it IS updated, or they ask a question that has been answered in
the new versions, or make additions that are already there, etc., etc.
I've had problems with this with other FAQs, and I'm taking steps (e.g.
this note) to put an end to it!

Here are a few "do's" and "don'ts". Webmasters! Take note...

Post this FAQ on your site directly. The only sites that this rule DOES
NOT apply to are GameFaqs, GameSages, and Cheat Code Central, as shown

If you are a webmaster of a site that wants to post this FAQ, what do
you do? As you read above, you can not post it directly. Instead, link
to the page at www.gamefaqs.com that lists all the FAQs for this game.
Why GameFAQs? Because I said so. To clear up some confusion, you can not
link to the URL if it ends in ".txt" or ".doc", you just can't use that.
If it ends in anything else, such as the page where it lists all the
FAQs for a game, you can link to THAT, but not to the actual FAQ. I'm
only repeating myself, but I had to because some people have to be told
something twice. If you have any questions on linking, notify me. To
answer the most common question I'll get, you can not link to any
GameFAQs URL that ends in ".txt" or ".doc" because it's in GameFAQs'
legal section. So there.

Any characters, names, places, or miscellaneous objects are copyright
their respective companies. I am in no way affiliated with
Nintendo/Sega/Sony nor any companies that were/are involved with this

This document is © 1999 marshmallow
All rights reserved


I took this entire section from the Shadowman Instruction Booklet, as I
thought it was written well. Please don't sue me Acclaim ;)

This is the Deadside,
the wasteland, the nothing
beyond bone-backed gates.
Here is the true darkness
at the heart of all things
is made real.
What we see in death's domain
is as void as a dead man's gaze, as cold
as the light from a dying star.

There is a place beyond death, where every soul that has ever shuffled
off this mortal coil finds its spiritual home. It is a place that has no
boundaries, no hope, no past, and no future, trapped as it is in an
unending present. A country of the dead, where the massed ranks of
billions upon billions of souls range across a limitless expanse to a
dead horizon, shuffling through the echoing halls of vast, funeral
palaces, trudging over blasted plains, putrid with morbid vegetation.

This is the place known as Deadside.

For thousands of years, the Shadowmen have protected the world of the
living against threats crossing over from the spiritual plane known as
Deadside -- the place where everyone goes, without exception, when they

Michael LeRoi is the current heir to the mysteries of this ancient
lineage -- bearer of the Mask of Shadows. When darkness falls, he
becomes the Walker Between the Worlds, Immortal Voodoo Warrior, Taker of
Souls, Lord of Deadside...


========================= CHARACTERS ===================================


Mike LeRoi is our hero's real world persona. Originally from New
Orleans, 32 year old Mike is a victim of his own weaknesses.

Having flunked his course and spent his remaining college fund on drink
and gambling, this failed English literature student worked as a taxi
driver in Chicago, keeping secret his failure from his family. That was
until one day in 1991 when one of Mike's passengers was executed in a
gang-style killing, leaving $20,000 in the back of his taxi.

Mike took the money and returned home, paying for his little brother
Luke's much-needed-operation and lavishing gifts upon his family with
hew new-founded "wealth." Unfortunately though, the gang was onto Mike
and tracked him down to New Orleans issuing death threats against him.

In desperation Mike sought out a Bokor -- a voodoo priest -- to give him
protection against the gang's attacks. This worked out, but far too
well. The gang decided to call in their debt by staging a drive-by
shooting on the car in which Mike and his family were traveling. Mike's
parents and his little brother were killed, but somehow Mike survived.

Upon recovering from a coma and near-fatal injuries, Mike lost his
memory and was drawn into the New Orleans' underworld by the Bokor, the
secret price for his protection being a curse on Mike that made him
Bokor's zombie slave. Working under the pseudonym "Zero", the amnesiac
Mike acted as a hit-man for the Bokor, unaware of his true identity.

One night, Mama Nettie -- a powerful but dying voodoo priestess stormed
into Bokor's bar -- the Wild at Heart. Taking Mike into the back room,
she summoned her remaining powers to forcibly implant the Mask of the
Shadows, a powerful voodoo artifact, into Mike's chest to turn him into
Shadowman -- the supreme zombi-warrior-slave now under Nettie's control.

Nettie has since regained her powers and taken the Bokor's soul, leaving
the Wild at Heart in Mike's ownership. Mike has regained something too -
- his memory, which now torments him. As the immortal Shadowman under
Nettie's control, he can not simply end his suffering. Until he can
break Nettie's spell he is forced to obey her command and somehow seek
some kind of atonement for his sins...


Nettie is a powerful voodoo priestess who created the Mask of Shadows
and therefore controls the bearer of it -- Mike LeRoi. Although she
appears to be in her mid-20's, Nettie is in fact centuries old, her soul
simply inhabiting the body of a young woman who unfortunately became
involved in Nettie's schemes.

Although incredibly powerful, Nettie cannot travel to Deadside, the
world of the Dead, which is why she needs her 'assistant' Jaunty and
particularly the Shadowman, a warrior that can cross between the worlds
and fight battles in Deadside for her.

There is another side to the relationship that exists between Nettie and
the Shadowman. Shadowman must become "romantically involved" with Nettie
(on a regular basis), giving his Shadowpowers to her in order to sustain
her youthful form (marshmallow's note: That lucky bastard!)

Nettie is one of the two characters in the game that Mike or Shadowman
may "talk" to. Her purpose in the game is to provide Mike with various
items that unlock certain areas of the game (such as Luke's Teddy Bear,
which allows Mike to travel to Deadside), as well as assisting his quest
by giving him "advice."

This advice is always based upon what she knows of the voodoo prophecy
that the Shadowman must fulfill. Having never really experienced
Deadside in the way that Jaunty and Shadowman have, her speeches are
therefore mystical allusions to be unraveled, rather than direction
references and commands.


Jaunty is Nettie's "assistant" in Deadside, the unfortunate victim of a
kidnapping, an occult experiment that went somewhat awry, and a bungled
deal with a voodoo priestess.

Walking back home from the pub late one night in his hometown of Dublin,
Jaunty was passing the University and decided to take a small...break.
Unfortunately for him, a small group of students dabbling with the
occult kidnapped him and ritually sacrificed him as part of their

Jaunty would have been condemned to an eternity in Deadside had it not
been for Mama Nettie, who spoke to him from across the veil and
convinced him to join her, to be her eyes and ears in Deadside. The
reward: a new body and a chance to "live" again.

The specifics of the deal could not be thoroughly worked out, for Jaunty
appears in Deadside as combination of a serpent with a skull for a head
while wearing a farmer's hat. His real world body being that of a
disfigured dwarf. In either incarnation, Jaunty is not a pretty sight,
and is not much of a fighter either -- hence Mama Nettie's need for the

In the adventure, Jaunty is in Deadside guarding the Marrow Gates -- the
entrance to the world of the Dead -- awaiting the Shadowman. Jaunty is
the other character that Shadowman may seek out and converse with. His
role is to reinforce and clarify the advice that Nettie gives.

(marshmallow's note: haha! This guy is hilarious and provides the comedy
relief for the game. With his strange appearance and Irish accent,
you'll be as giggly as a schoolgirl everytime you start a new cinema
with him)


Legion is an Evil incarnate and is known to many cultures and religions
throughout time by many names...

And he asked him,
What is thy name?
And he answered, saying,
"My name is Legion: for we are many."

Mark Chapter 9, Verse 5


This is obtained from Nettie at the start of the game. You use the
Handgun in Liveside, Shadowgun in Deadside (until you find a certain
artifact that allows you to become Shadowman in Liveside...). They both
have un-limited ammunition capacity. Once you have collected some Dark
Souls, you can charge up the Shadowgun and shoot more powerful shots. It
is also the only gun that can "kill" a dead enemy -- or someone with a
Dark Soul within them (e.g. the five Serial Kills).

A powerful short-range weapon, you can find two of them throughout the
game, potentially allowing you to have a shotgun in each hand. Collect
extra shells as you run out.

A submachine gun, collect lots of extra ammo, because it uses them up
very quickly.

Perhaps the most lethal gun Mike can use, this shoots a lot of bullets
per second, but each pak of ammo has a lot of rounds, and it is very

These will re-fill your life meter, and can be found in barrels/pots.
Also, if you kill an enemy with the Shadowgun, you will almost always
obtain one.

Appearing in pots and barrels, these small skulls will refill your magic
meter that allows you to use magic items.

These small orange objects can be found literally everywhere. Hundreds
litter both Deadside and Liveside, and in the grand scheme of things,
you can offer them to the great God Loa -- for every 100, she will give
you one more unit on your life meter. The mighty Loa makes her home in
the TEMPLE OF LIFE, which is found in the WASTELAND.

This is the first item you have in your inventory -- you have access to
it at the very start of the game. It contains very detailed information
on the FIVE SERIAL KILLERS that play a large part in the plot of the
game. See my separate, "Notes and Letters" FAQ for a complete copy of

Another letter, this time from a previous Shadowman. See my separate,
"Notes and Letters" FAQ for a complete copy of it.

The Gads are tattoos with magical powers that will allow you to perform
special actions -- you can acquire one in each of the three temples. The
TOUCHER GAD, found in the Fire Temple, allows you to touch flames
without being damaged. MARCHER GAD, found in the Temple of Prophecy,
allows you to walk over streams of lava. NAGER GAD, found in the TEMPLE
OF BLOOD, allows you to swim in the acid lakes.

These clawed gloves allow you to climb up the waterfalls of blood that
you occasionally find across the land. It is located in the FIRE TEMPLE:

A rattle made out of a backbone and human skull, it will shoot roaring
fireballs at your enemy. and uses some magic. This is found in the

A large knife found in the TEMPLE OF LIFE of the WASTELAND, you can
shoot powerful rays with this as well as slam it down the pedestals with
little glowing marks on them. When you do this, it will transport you to
the next pedestal in the area. There are only two pedestals in a single

A skeletal arm holding a glowing orb, this mystical item acts a torch,
and if fired, will burn down the white sheets with a red fire symbol on
them. Quite powerful as a weapon! Uses magic, and is found near the
bridge that leads to FIRE TEMPLE: THINKING.

This jawbone will send shockwaves in all directions when used, and it
also allows you to pound the drums you find sometimes to open
doors...Uses magic and is housed in the TEMPLE OF PROPHECY.

These bombs can blow open the gray plates you see across the land. Not
required to beat the game, but it certainly makes it easier. Found in

Deflects enemy projectile attacks. You can also use this shield while
firing another weapon! Uses magic and is found in the WASTELAND through
a Coffin Gate that requires a Shadowpower of SIX.

Allows you to light up areas in Liveside only.

Allows you to open doors in the prison of the Liveside.

A small, lightweight machine gun that fits over your arm, it fires
razors at the speed of lightening; it can rip apart the most vicious
enemies within seconds. One is found in the Playrooms, the other behind
Coffin Gate 10, which is in the Marrow Gates.

Large, black power cells found in various Liveside areas. Use them to
open the casing surrounded the VIOLATOR, which is found in Playrooms.

At the very start of the game, you saw Jack scribbling in his diary.
With this, you can peer into this book...

Found in the Asylum -- allows you to open security doors.

Once you activate a cheat you
will store them in this book.

Small, orange, spherical objects supported by sticks. Shoot it with the
Shadowgun to release the Dark Soul within...the trick, though, is to
reach and obtain the Soul itself.

An item of concentrated evil, these purple objects are what Stars are to
Super Mario 64, Jigsaws to Banjo-Kazooie, keys to Turok...you get the

These block passageways all over Deadside. You'll need a certain amount
of Dark Souls to pass -- the amount shown by the amount of blocks on the
gate that are colored purple. If you think you have enough, step up to
the stone in front of it and press the action button.

This gruesome little item will "open up" a schism, which are those cut-
up torsos you find in the Cathedral of Pain. See the "F.A.Q" section for
more information.

Given to you by Mama Nettie, this is your dead younger brother's beloved
Teddy Bear. Filled with bullet holes and spikes, it allows you to travel
to Deadside. As you travel to new areas, your "memories" will be "re-
activated", and you can use the Teddy Bear to travel to them easily. For
example, once you enter the Cathedral of Pain, the Teddy bear icon
flashes on screen. If you were to go to the Teddy Bear screen, you would
be able to travel to this location anytime. By the time you get to the
end, you can travel to almost any location very easily.


For those of you who didn't receive the map, or lost it, you can view an
image of it at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/24363.html. No
need to thank me...It shows the relative locations of almost every
object in the game, plus the Coffin Gates and how much shadowpower you
need to break past them, etc., etc.


Shadowman is a titanic sized game...colossal...enormous...and it is,
unfortunately for all FAQ writers, very non-linear. As such, you won't
be seeing a lot of text-only FAQs for this game. In fact, if you're
really stuck, you might have to buy the Official Shadowman
Strategy Guide�! With that said, I will try my best to make each
walkthrough very concise and as detailed as I physically can. Note that,
if you are deep in the game and in need of Dark Souls, scan through the
different levels, because I will list all the items for a particular
area in one felt swipe -- I won't switch between the levels constantly.
As I update this FAQ, I will simply add the items to each level.

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~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ ` ~ `

Before we can do anything, we have to sit through a 10 minute
introductory cinema, split into three parts. The first part takes place
in 1888...in Jack the Ripper's home, as he writes in his diaries. A man
comes into his room, his name being...Legion. It turns out that Jack the
Ripper is an architect in his spare time, and this Legion fellow is
interested in him building a titanic cathedral where the souls of the
damn go and rot...to go into this "engine" and be used to open up a path
to Liveside...more or less, he rambles on like a lunatic. Jack agrees,
and then commits suicide, enabling him to have access to Deadside...

Next we see Mike LeRoi and Nettie speaking of Dark Souls and the
upcoming Armageddon. Talk about cheesy voice acting! Regardless, they
plan to meet the next day in the church of the Louisiana Bayou.

The last part shows Mike in a boat going through the swamp, talking
about the Mask of Shadow and how he was responsible for his family's
death...and our adventure begins as he leaps from the boat onto land.

_______________________ ______________________________
_______________________ Begin Walkthrough ______________________________


======================= LOUISIANA BAYOU ================================


Run forward and jump across the rough terrain. You will soon find a
wooden bridge going across a river -- if you try to cross it, the middle
section will fall out -- so instead, jump over it. If you fall for this
rather cliché trap, don't worry, you can circle back around. You will
see a dog whom will bark at you, then run away. Follow it by leaping to
the box and continuing on. You will pass a few run-down shacks with
items in them -- but you can't access them yet! Haha! After the second
one, a large gorge will impede your progress. Luckily, a rope runs from
the second house to the other side, so just climb across. Now in a
tunnel, continue, and you will find a Cadeaux (orange thingy) up on a
ledge. Jump to it, and you will grab onto a thin ledge. Shinny to the
left, and you will find an area to climb up on. Run forward and go
through the door of the church, and you will initiate the cinema with
Mama Nettie.

You will speak of the Dark Souls you must collect, and of their
containers -- the Govi. Blah, blah, blah, the world is going to end.
Hey, is it me, or did the voice acting suddenly improve with this
cinema? Hmmm...Mama Nettie hands over LUKE'S TEDDY BEAR and the HANDGUN.

Getting to Deadside is a piece of cake! Just use the Magic Mirror...er
I mean the Teddy Bear, and you will be transported there.

All of the Dark Souls of this area can be gotten once you have assembled
the Le'Clipser Knife, which will allow you to become Shadowman in
Liveside. Then you can open the Govi with your Shadowgun! However, you
can not do this for quite some time, but I digress.

The first Dark Soul can be found in the small tunnel that is near the
collapsible bridge.

Using your Teddy Bear, warp to Nettie's church. Go forward and you will
see one in the corner.

Do the same as Dark Soul 2, and there will be another in the opposite

In the pile of junk outside Nettie's church, you can find a pedestal to
slam your BATON into. When you do this, you will warp into a shack with
a Dark Soul in it.

In Nettie's yard, you can find a building with a lock on the door. Shoot
the lock and the door will swing open. You will see a drop, and two
signs that say "DANGER". Fall down, and you will land into an
underground lake. Swim forward, and you can either go forward, or to the
right. Swim to the right, and swim underwater through the confusing,
twisting tunnel, and you will emerge back above ground. You can see a
building in front of you -- ignore it, and swim to your right, and swim
into the hole in the side of the building, and the Dark Soul is there.

On the way to Nettie's Church, you will see a boat in the water, lying
on its side. Circle around it to find a doorway with some boards over it
-- shoot the boards and you can go in. When you do go in, you'll fall
about 20 feet and land in a secret underground passageway. Collect the
items, and then continue to find a Govi on a high ledge that you could
only see before.

Read "DARK SOUL 5" on how to reach the underground lake. Once you do,
you can either go through an underwater tunnel forward or to the right -
- instead of going to the right, go forward. When you emerge, you will
be able to climb across a ravine via a rope. Once on the other side, you
can explore two run down shacks. This Dark Soul inhabits one of them --
no tricks, just walk up to the Govi and shoot it with the Shadowgun! :)

In the area outside the church is a gray plate with symbols on it,
located on the ground. Slam the Calabash on it, and the Govi is under

====================== DEADSIDE: MARROW GATES ==========================

If you want to know, you can see the name of the area you're in by
pausing the game and looking at the top of the screen. This will become
useful when you get deeper into the game...

Go forward and you will eventually reach Jaunty, the gatekeeper to
Deadside. After a comedic cinema that also shows you the gigantic dark
tower that has mysteriously appeared in the middle of Deadside, the
mighty rib cage will swing open, allowing you full access to the world
of the Dead. On another note, try walking up to Jaunty for another
cinema -- God, he's hilarious with that accent! :p

Go forward, and you will find an area with three drums and a locked
door. You can't do anything at this moment, so don't try. Instead, go
left, and find another large area. Jump over the gap and continue to yet
another large opening, and your first confrontation with Slasher
Zombies. Go to the far left and jump on top of the wooden structure, and
continue. Turn left at the fork, then follow the path to be above one of
the first areas of Deadside. Carefully jump to the next platform, and
continue some more until you reach your first Coffin Gate. Go up to the
block and use the action button to open it. Storm into the room. In the
center is a large pedestal with a yellow glow coming from it...walk up
to it and receive the PROPHECY .

In the room with the PROPHECY, climb the ledges on the walls of the
cavern to find an area above. You will see the first Coffin Gate that
requires a Dark Soul. Jump across the nearby bridge gap and you will
see...a Govi. Shoot it with the powerful Shadowgun, and the power of the
Dark Soul will be unleashed...walk up to the swirling purple mass to
obtain it.

Use the Teddy Bear to warp to the Marrow Gates. Walk to the left, around
the pillar, and you will find a bloody waterfall. If you have the
POIGNE, you can climb up the bloodfall and collect a Dark Soul.

After running through the Marrow Gates themselves, turn left in the
first area. You will find another large area -- an area with a
bloodfall! Again, if you have the POIGNE, you can go there.

Go to where "DARK SOUL 1" is. Behind it is a fiery block -- if you have
the TOUCHER GADS you can push the flaming block out of the way to reveal
a secret chamber. In the center is, yes, a Dark Soul!

======================== DEADSIDE: WASTELAND ===========================

To access the Wasteland, go up to the "Marrow Gates" level and go to the
location of the "DARK SOUL 1." Open the Coffin Gate (requires
Shadowpower of 1) and follow the path, and you will reach a gigantic
bridge -- cross the bridge.

When you first enter the Wasteland, you will find two corridors ahead --
they both lead to a lake comprised entirely of blood. On the shores, you
will find a single hut, but you can't continue inside, the doorway is
slanted strangely. Dive into the bloody lake and find an underwater
(underblood?) tunnel that leads to a room with two Slasher Zombies. Kill
them both, and walk up to the large, wooden object in the center, and
use the action button. The cinema will show the entrance to the next
area change so you can go through. Return to the hut and do so. You can
see a Govi across the lava, but DO NOT try to get it -- you'll be burned
alive. Instead, continue to the next area.

Run up the wooden ramp, avoiding the Slasher Zombies, and jump to the
pedestal, then to the next wooden area, then make yet another leap to
ANOTHER wooden outcropping. Run into the greenish/blue tunnel to find
another, similar area. On the opposite side is another tunnel, it leads
to the Govi you saw before -- and hence, another DARK SOUL is yours...

First go to "DARK SOUL 1." Then return to the area where you had to jump
to many wooden platforms. Fall down and scan the walls and you will find
a wooden switch -- use the action button and watch in total amazement
(not) as a rope extends across the gap. Go there and climb across,
accessing another area.

Put your Shadowgun away (action button) and jump on the wooden platforms
that cling to the walls of this room. Jump and clasp onto the narrow
ledge, and shinny yourself to the very right. Using the camera controls,
you can see a platform behind you. By default, press UP on the analog
stick, and "A" to jump backwards and land safely on the platform. Jump
across the gap to find another Govi, which of course contains another

Go to the location of "DARK SOUL 2", then jump across the gaps and you
will reach a bridge that goes over a hallway that leads to a large room
with an item in the center...unfortunately, the bridge has been sliced
down the middle, and you can't jump to it. If you have a good eye, you
can see a thin ledge -- as if you haven't figured it out by now, you
must jump to the ledge, shinny to the left, and then jump backwards
(Analog up + A) to reach it. Circle around the room, and ta da, you have
the fire spewing ASSON!

Go into the first "HUGE" area. For reference, it has a switch at the
bottom, and when you activate it, a rope goes across from wall to wall.
For another reference, the large pillar in the center contains FOUR
pots. To reach this pillar, you have to jump from the nearby, wooden
walkway. Before doing this, carefully examine the wall the walkway is
connected to. A small, almost un-noticeable ledge goes up to a green
tunnel that was previously unreachable (but you can see it next to
another tunnel -- this tunnel can be reached via the rope).

Walk into the tunnel and you will be above the second "HUGE" area. Go to
the right, jumping when necessary, and you will find another green
tunnel. When you emerge, the mighty entrance to the TEMPLE OF LIFE is
directly in front of you. As you cross, you get the TEDDY BEAR ICON,
meaning you can warp here anytime...

First off, warp to the TEMPLE OF LIFE. Go inside and you will find a
BATON PEDESTAL -- to the right is a passage and several lava rooms and
ledges. I will not go into detail on how to get past this section -- I
would only be insulting your intelligence. Just remember to use the
ledges to shinny to other areas, then jump backwards by holding up and
A; that's all you really need to know. When you start falling down
holes, you're on your way!

When you do reach the Baton, you can easily exit/enter this room because
the Baton Pedestal you saw at the start allows you to warp to the Baton
Pedestal in this room...

Loa is in the same room as the BATON. When you have 100 Cadeaux, go up
to one of the holders and press the action button -- after a little
speech, you will have one more health segment.

In the TEMPLE OF LIFE, use the MARCHER GADS to be able to run around in
the lava. As you explore more and more of the tunnels, you will find
this one easily.

...is basically a few rooms away from "DARK SOUL 4", also in a lava
platform that requires THE MARCHER GADS.

In one of the rooms in the TEMPLE OF LIFE, you can find one of those
fiery blocks...the kind you need the TOUCHER GADS to move...behind it is
a chamber with a Govi!

Again, in the TEMPLE OF LIFE, if you wander around for long enough, you
will see this one across a lake of acid. You need the NAGER GADS to be
able to swim to it.

As you enter the second part of the WASTELAND, you will come onto a
place with many bloodfalls...

- - - - - - X -
! O O D
! O ! A = Bloodfall
! O ! B = Bloodfall
B O ! C = Bloodfall
! O ! E = Entrance
! O ! D = Hut
! O ! X = Tunnel to switch for closed Hut
A O O C O = Little islands randomly put down
! !
- - - - E - - -

Climb up BOODFALL 'C' and go forward. You will find a hut, inside is a
Dark Soul.

Refer to the map of "DARK SOUL 7." This time, climb up BLOODFALL 'A'. Go
through the small cave, and you will reach a large chamber. Climb the
platforms on the side of the room, and you will be able to reach the
Dark Soul in the middle/top of the room.

Go to the room that contains "DARK SOUL 8." Take a swim in the bloody
water, and you will find an underblood cave that will take you to a
large, vertical tower like object on an island. Climb up the tower,
avoiding enemies, and at the top you will find, yes, a Dark Soul.

Go to the location of "DARK SOUL 9." Keep climbing, and you will find a
small console with a lever -- press the action button, and the giant
fans of the tower will begin to spin. Return to the chamber of "DARK
SOUL 9." In the side of the room is a tunnel, follow it to another area.
You can see a Dark Soul/Govi in the distance -- go to the wooden hut
near it. If you switched the fans on like I told you to, a platform will
come to you. Simply jump on and let it carry you to the Dark Soul!

When you're heading towards the TEMPLE OF LIFE, you will see a Govi on a
ledge. Activate the rope below, come back, and climb across.

In the TEMPLE OF LIFE, near "DARK SOUL 6" (in fact, right across the
room when in the acid lake), there is a fiery block that you can move
aside with the TOUCHER GADS to find a secret chamber with a lot of
Zombies, and this friendly, easy to get Dark Soul.

Another way to get to the Govi is to go to "DARK SOUL 10", and follow
the path behind it, you will be able to reach the fiery block without
having to go across the acid lake.


credits section>

"I've found Dark Soul 13 in the Temple of Life area. After going through
the hut in the bloodfalls area, turn left. If you have the Gad Marcher,
you can walk to a platform/ramp into an area with several slasher-
zombie-things. If you hunt around the walls, you can see a STONE ledge
spiraling upward along it. Walk up the ledge and follow the broken skin
bridge path to a hut with a Govi. Hope this helped."

Yes, it certainly DOES help!

After finding the ASSON, continue along the path, and you eventually
reach a Coffin Gate. If you have a Shadowpower of SIX you can open it
and claim this shield. With it, you are practically invincible to all
enemy attacks...until your magic runs out.

======================= ASYLUM: GATEWAY ================================

Start at the bridge that leads to the WASTELAND level. Fall to the side
and discover the Coffin Gate there. If you have a Shadowpower of TWO,
you can open it and continue. In the next room are two Coffin Gates, but
you won't have enough Shadowpower to open them at this point. Instead,
go over the bridge.

Cross the metal pipe and jump in the tunnel. Follow the path until you
reach a large, open area with searchlights. This is quite impressive,
no? Regardless, go towards the entrance of the Asylum to get the TEDDY
BEAR ICON, meaning you can warp here anytime.

The ENGINEER'S KEY allows you to open locked doors around the Asylum.
You can insert it into the consoles with a square block in them. But
first, you have to find it. First off, go to "DARK SOUL 1" .

Remember the yellow hallway? Go in there. Follow the path, ignoring all
side doors and enemies, and you will reach a room with an aclove up in
the wall; jump to it. Below is what you will see (from an above

A F Legend:
! !_ _ _ _ _ _! ! A = correct hole
! ! F = wrong hole
E - - - - - - E! E = entrance from yellow room

So fall through the hole labeled "A" (e.g. the one on the left) because
hole "F" will take you back quite a bit. From there, fall down the next
hole, and collect the ENGINEER'S KEY, which is on the nearby

At the locked door that supposedly goes deeper into the level, jump off
the bridge to land on a metal pipe going over a sea of magma. Make your
way to the right. Following the path, you will go through some traps,
then into another magma room. Jump on the moving platform to reach the
other side. In the third room, do the same, this time jumping from one
platform to the next. At the end, jump into the wall. While avoiding the
walls that try to crush you, follow the loooooong path.

Eventually, you will drop down into a large basement of sorts. The walls
are covered in blood, there are many locked doors, and you will have
your first encounter with the Hook Hogs (as I like to call them). A
little tip: if one is rushing at you, get the Hell away! They're mighty
powerful, and if they get you pinned against the wall, it's curtains for
you. Now, follow the main path and you will reach a room with two side
paths: left towards a yellow hall, right towards a normal brick room. Go
to the normal brick room to find a DARK SOUL in the corner.

OK, so you got the ENGINEER'S KEY, right? Good. Warp back to the
entrance of the Asylum using the TEDDY BEAR. Run forward and unlock the
door! Run forward, ignoring the Smokin' Hogs, and into the yellow
hallways. Turn RIGHT and into the room with the easy-to-nab Govi.

Go to "DARK SOUL 2." Now in the yellow hallway, go left. By the trolley
that will take you to the CATHEDRAL OF PAIN is an easy Govi to get.

Go to the entrance to Asylum, where you appear when you use the TEDDY
BEAR. Fall down to the left and land on the metal pipe, and go in that
direction. Cylinders that are on fire will block your way. If you have
the TOUCHER GADS you can climb on them and scoot yourself around. At the
end is a long concrete path that eventually leads to a fork in the road:
left or right? Go right for immediate access to a Govi.

First go to "DARK SOUL 4." From there, take the left path. Along the
way, after avoiding several HOOK HOGS, you will see a Govi next to a

First go to "DARK SOUL 5." Continue along the path. You will reach
another for: take the left path. Then you will find a Govi in a dead-end
cage area.

Make your way to "DARK SOUL 6." Remember the fork? This time go RIGHT!
You will reach a box and a large cable that leads out to a trolly, and
on the trolly is a Govi! First, climb the box, and jump to the cable,
and climb up. Then run across the cable and then drop down to the DARK

Warp to the TEDDY BEAR ICON, and jump to the right side of the bridge,
onto the metal pipe, and run in that direction (to the right). You will
see a Govi across a lake of magma...if you have the MARCHER GADS you can
go over there and collect it.

Go to "DARK SOUL 8." Behind it is a path, follow it. After a lengthy
run, you can either go left or right -- go LEFT and collect the Govi at
the end.

Go to "DARK SOUL 9." When you can go either left or right, go right this
time. You come upon a yellow room and then you come to a room where you
go either left or right: go left. At the end is a wooden ledge, and on
the ledge is this Govi.

Instead of going left, go right this time. You will go over a wooden
catwalk, and you can see a Govi on some boxes below -- however, do not
jump there yet. Instead, continue on. You will come to an intersection:
go straight ahead and you will find a Govi in a yellow room.

In "DARK SOUL 11" I talked about jumping down to get a Govi. I suggest
you do it now!

==================== ASYLUM: CATHEDRAL OF PAIN =========================

Start off in the ASYLUM -- GATEWAY. Unlock the front door using the
ENGINEER'S KEY and run forward, ignoring the enemies. In the yellow
hallways, turn left, and you will find a red trolley. Enter the trolley,
and press the action button to activate the lever. The trolley will
rocket forward and stop so you can enter this short level.

Get off the Trolley, and head towards the door on the left wall (before
the Smokin' Hogs). After numerous amounts of stairs, you will reach a
lava room. Jump over the gap and unlock the Govi!

Start off at the location of "DARK SOUL 1." If you have the MARCHER GADS
you will be able to walk on the magma. Find the path that leads to the
twirling knife machines. Avoid them, climb the platforms at the end, and
then walk over the top of the machine, carefully avoiding the spinning
blades. At the end are several rooms to explore. You should find this
Govi with relative ease...

From the Red Trolly, run forward and through the door, and you will get
a TEDDY BEAR ICON, meaning you can warp here anytime. This is the Hall
of the Five...an area with five halls leading to five Schisms...which
ultimately lead to each Serial Killer.


======================= FIRE TEMPLE: THINKING ==========================

I divided the Fire Temple into two sections: Thinking and Muscle. This
is so because they are both large areas and both focus on different
parts of a game-player: Thinking (puzzle solving) and muscle (action;
avoiding obstacles, shooting stuff, etc.). The TOUCHER GADS are located
in the Muscle part, but you must conquer the Thinking area to reach it.
It all works out...Note that they do share Dark Souls.

Go to the area outside the bridge that leads to the ASYLUM -- GATEWAY
level. It has two Coffin Gates; go to the lower one. It requires a
Shadowpower of THREE to open, and you should be able to do this easily.
In the next area, you can jump down a vertical shaft: do so. You will
find two Coffin Gates along with a lava pit...and a large bridge. Cross
the bridge to find this new area!

From the start of Thinking, go forward and jump over the platforms. Dive
into the bloody river and swim through the tunnel, into the cement wall,
and emerge into a very tall, vertical room. From now on, I will refer to
this as the "BLOODY WATERFALL ROOM" because it has two large bloodfalls
in it. To reach the next area of the FIRE TEMPLE (Muscle) you will have
to activate certain switches. Here we go...

Start off in the BLOODY WATERFALL ROOM. On the sides of the room are two
different ramps that allow you reach the top. One of them just has
spikes, the other has blue lights -- take the lights one. As you go up,
you will notice a blue lightbulb on the wall, below the bulb is a gray
indentation in the wall. Shoot it, and it will collapse, revealing a
passage. Go through it!

In this room are several tall platforms. Jump to them, slowly making
your way to the top, and press the action button next to the brown
switch at the top to activate one of the stairs . You will
also fight the Ancient Sisters, but you can just run away if you please.
These blue sexists will haunt you in all the temples of the game, so get
used to it!

In the BLOOD WATERFALL ROOM, continue up the walkway, and you will see
_another_ blue square to shoot, which leads to another room. Climb the
stairs at the side of the chamber. To avoid the fireballs, simply crouch
down. When you have to make a jump, be sure to shoot the pot opposite
you, because it will block your space. At the top of the stairs is a
platform with the wooden switch.

In the BLOOD WATERFALL ROOM, keep going up the walkway, and you will see
yet another blue square to shoot -- do so. In this room the switch is on
a high platform in the center. To reach it, jump on the nearby ledges,
and scoot yourself either to the left or right. When you are standing
again, jump to the nearby ledge, and then carefully walk across the
narrow beams. Drop down to the switch below and activate it.

In the BLOOD WATERFALL ROOM, go up some more and shoot the last of the
blue squares. As you go, you will find a vertical shaft with wooden
catwalks allowing you to go down. At the very bottom is the switch.

As you return to the BLOOD WATERFALL ROOM and continue your journey at
the top, you will find a large entrance with a blue light above it. Make
your way through the mini-maze, and you will find yourself looking upon
the enormous pyramid you have formed. Turn around and the switch is
right there.

The easiest way to get this is to go to the very bottom of the BLOOD
WATERFALL ROOM and run through the entrance in the wall, and then you
will be at the lower part of the pyramid room. However, another way is
to go to "SWITCH 5" and then drop down. Either way, the switch is there.


With all of the switches activated, you can climb the pyramid and make
your way to the TEMPLE OF FIRE -- MUSCLE area. As you get near it, you
get the TEDDY BEAR ICON, meaning you can warp here at anytime.

Go to the BLOODY WATER ROOM. Climb the stairs WITH the blue lights all
the way to the top, and hop onto the ledge. Go through one of the
passages, and you will find a fiery block. If you have the TOUCHER GADS,
you can move this aside and find a passage that leads to a Coffin Gate!
If you have a Shadowpower of four, you can open it. Behind it is the

From the start of the level, go into the bloody muck and inside one of
the long passageways. Run up the ramp. You will find, in this area, a
Coffin Gate! If you have a Shadowpower of FIVE, you can break its evil
seal and collect the FLAMEBEAU!

While in the vertical shaft that leads to "SWITCH 4", you can find this
in a side aclove. Pretty easy.

Go to the pyramid room. You will be able to see this Govi easily. but
getting to it seems impossible. Get on the last step of the pyramid, run
at full speed towards it, and jump AT THE VERY LAST possible second.
With luck, you will grab the ledge and be able to climb up.

This one is in the same location as "DARK SOUL 2", except on the other
side of the room. The process of collecting it is the same.

At the entrance to FIRE TEMPLE -- MUSCLE; at the top of the pyramid.

Go into the room where the POIGNE is stored. Climb the blood waterfall
that has a light above it, and then take a running leap and jump to the
below ledge with a Govi on it! If you come short, simply climb back up
the bloodfall and try again.

In the BLOODY WATERFALL ROOM, climb one of the falls. One leads to some
pots, the other to some obstacles. Jump to the Govi on the pillar! If
you miss, just start the level over, because it takes too long to make
your way back there.

======================== FIRE TEMPLE: MUSCLE ===========================

NOTICE: The "DARK SOUL" list is continuing from the first part of the
FIRE TEMPLE (Thinking).

Due to its complex nature, I have written the walkthrough on reaching
the Muscle area in the previous part (Thinking).

Go forward and avoid the swinging scythes and blades. This is entirely
skill, I can't guide you through it that much. At the end you will find
a massive chamber filled with lava. Quickly go to each of the switches
in the wall and activate them -- all while avoiding lava and the Ancient
Sisters' projectiles. When all the switches have been activated, a giant
steel circle will be in the center. Step into it, and it will lift you
very high, and a cinema will show a great explosion! When you return
back to the ground, you have red tattoos on your arms -- you now have
the TOUCHER GADS. Congratulations!

In the room where you pick up the TOUCHER GADS, leap to the ledge. It is
on fire, so need the TOUCHER GADS to hold on. Scoot your way to the
right and you will find a passage, enter it. In this room, there are two
switches to activate in the maze: one makes the rope shoot out, the
other opens the exit. Climb across the rope to the exit. In the next
room, you will demonstrate your powers by being able to move the fiery
blocks. Some contain empty rooms, others have Ancient Sisters. One has a
passage that leads to a Govi!

In the chamber where you get the TOUCHER GADS, one of the switches has a
fiery block next to it. If you have the TOUCHER GADS, you can move this
cube away. In the next area, defeat the Ancient Sisters, then jump on
the wooden catwalks and make your way to the flaming edge. Jump up there
and scoot to the left, climb up, follow the corridor, and collect the

When going towards the chamber that used to hold the TOUCHER GADS, you
will pass over a room with some magma. If you have the MARCHER GADS you
can walk down there and discover a passage! After killing several
Ancient Sisters, you will face yet another Dark Soul for your

In "DARK SOUL 9" you have to drop down into some magma and walk around
to find a secret passage. You basically do the same thing here -- heck,
the passage is directly across from number nine's! In there, you will go
up a twisting column of catwalks. In the middle, jump in the aclove in
the side of the room and press the switch to open up the exit. battle
the Ancient Sisters, then go to the very top and jump to the exit. Push
the fiery block out of the way, run through the corridor, and meet Mr.
Govi! Alias...DARK SOUL!

In the very first part of the TEMPLE OF FIRE: MUSCLE you will see a
plate on the ground with strange markings on it. Use the CALABASH to
blow it up, and keep pushing the fiery blocks out of the wall, go up a
lot of stair cases, and there it is!

======================== ASYLUM: CAGEWAYS ==============================

Start off at the entrance to the FIRE TEMPLE. In the room are two Coffin
Gates -- one requires a Shadowpower of FOUR to open. Do so, and follow
the path. At the end is a room filled with bloody jell stuff, a Coffin
Gate, and a titanic bridge; cross the bridge.

From the entrance, jump over the platforms and head into the cave. When
you emerge, kill the two Zombies. Grab onto the fence and scoot to the
right, then jump backwards to land on some boxes. Climb on the top one
and jump over the fence to the second area. Kill the two Zombies as
before, and then climb across the taut rope. The train is there!

Get inside the train and make your way to the very end. Put your
ENGINEER'S KEY in the slot and watch the cinema of the train moving.
When you get out, you receive a TEDDY BEAR ICON, meaning you can warp
here anytime.

In front of the train in CAGEWAYS I, there is a tower. Go inside, battle
your way to the top, and find the Govi.

In the CAGEWAYS II, go in front of the red trolley that takes you to the