Home > Nintendo64 Cheats > Rocket - Robot On Wheels

Codes cheats for Rocket - Robot On Wheels

Rocket - Robot On Wheels - Game cheats, tips and tricks for Nintendo64

All vehicles:
Pause game play and press Up, Down, Z, R, Left, Up, Down,
Left, Down(2). A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Low friction:
Pause game play and press Up, R(2), Left, Z(2), Down, Left,
Up, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Low gravity:
Pause game play and press Z, R, Z, R, Down, R(2), Right(2),
R. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Heavy Rocket:
Pause game play and press Up, Right(2), R, Right, R, Z, R(2),
Up. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Super speed:
Pause game play and press Z, Right, Down, Up, Down, R, Up,
Down, Left, Up. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Super jump:
Pause game play and press Down, Up, Down, Z, Up(3), R, Up Z.
A sound will confirm correct code entry. Combine this code
with the "Low gravity" code for even higher jumps.